Opening Student Housing for Illinois’ Most Vulnerable, Incarcerated Residents

Institutions of higher education can step up and meet a grave need during this crisis.

Institutions of higher education can step up and meet a grave need during this crisis.

COVID-19 has thrown Illinois into uncharted territory. As we have all taken dramatic steps to protect public health during this crisis, IL-CHEP has maintained concern for the populations our students live in: prisons and jails across the state. Out of concern for the most vulnerable individuals, as well as a rapid escalation of the spread and need for medical care when the virus hits prisons, our members have been advocating for the release of the people who are at the highest risk of death from COVID-19 who are incarcerated in Illinois. As educators, students, administrators and supporters, we want to offer what we can to help Illinois decarcerate for public health, especially the protection of our most vulnerable residents.

IL-CHEP welcomes all colleges and universities in the state of Illinois to join the commitment to open student housing to no more than twenty individuals who are currently incarcerated and whose lives are at risk because of it.

Find more information here.


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