Expand Higher Education in Prison.
Higher education in prison is more than a fight for scholarship, it is a fight for hope and humanity.
“Education means emancipation. It means light and liberty. It means the uplifting of the soul…”
- Frederick Douglass
Our Work
The Freedom to Learn Campaign of Illinois (FTL) calls for clear and fair statewide policies that allow higher education in prison programs (or college-in-prison programs) to operate free from undue interference or interruption of their students’ academic and intellectual pursuits. FTL endeavors to center the needs and voices of prison instructors, incarcerated students, alumni, and families.
Join the Campaign
Become a supporter. Add your name to the campaign that over 600 individuals have signed onto. We need to show legislators and the greater society that not only is higher education in prison important, but it is necessary as we fight to create a more equitable world and move from mass incarceration to mass education.